May 16
I’d always hankered after a TDR250 especially after owning and running a TZR250 1KT which has the same engine. I also kept reading how many previous owners of TDRs had regretted selling them saying they were awesome fun.
So, I jumped at a non-runner Japanese import (actually most are into Australia as few were sold here at the time) from a guy that had bought it from a Japanese bike importer who again hadn’t had time to restore it.
I went to pick it up and it did look in a bit of a mess, looking like it had been standing in the Japanese weather for a while but I know from my previous restos almost anything can be brought back to life.
I couldn’t wait to get it back home and get started.
On a closer look the rust had certainly set in on some parts and corrosion in the wheels from what looked like sitting in deep puddle.
I always enjoy stripping an engine (especially a two stroke) and investigating why it doesn’t run. It turned out to be pretty simple with the TDR as it had melted one of the pistons.
But as with any 2T totally strip the engine, transmission and all, clean everything up, get it rebored, replace all the seals, pistons etc. put it all back together (always remember to take a ton of photos when breaking it down, something I learned early on when trying to re-assemble an engine without many pics!)
I totally stripped the carbs and replaced all the usual parts, needle valve, needles, jets etc. and also gave them a light bead blast to clean them up.
As much as I love to bring most of my restos back to totally original, I felt I needed to replace the extremely heavy and cumbersome exhaust pipes. After listening to a few different sets on YouTube I settled on a pair of Jim Lomas pipes. Not only did they sound incredible but the welds looked awesome, especially on the crossover at the front. I was very impressed with the quality and worth every cent.
The pics speak for themselves but again this was one of my favourite restos and I’m definitely not falling into the same trap as previous owners that have sold their TDR’s and regretted it.
I’ve owned around 60-70 bikes (many of them superbikes) in my time and riding this puts it in the top 3, it’s so much fun. The performance and handling is great and hearing it scream when up close to the redline… well there’s not much to beat that sound. It’s a bit of a license loser though as it does like to pop up the front wheel a bit when you hit the powerband after leaving the lights… it’s not me it the bike, honestly officer